Thursday 22 March 2012



60 capsules x 100mg

Providing: 100mg pure Tongkat Ali

Halal Approved

Recommend Use:
As a dietary supplement 1 capsule twice daily.
Recommended for Male.
Do not consumed with Kacip Fatimah.
Traditional Preparation.
Please consult a doctor if symptom persists.
Don't exceed the stated dose.
Selling Price

Quantity(Bottle)       Selling Price(RM)
1 bottle                            130.00
2 bottles                          255.00
3 bottles                          375.00
4 bottles                          490.00
5 bottles                          600.00
6 bottles above negotiableSelling Price

Tongkat Ali(Eurycoma Longifolia Jack)
Do more than you think
If you are male above 30’s, know what Tongkat Ali can do for you.
Compiled by: Associate Professor Dr. Johari Md. Saad. Ph.D, Universiti of Malaya08/08/2001

Tongkat Ali does not work the same way as other aphrodisiacs

Tongkat Ali does not act in the same way as other claimed aphrodisiacs, which take effect immediately.
Tongkat Ali has to consumed regularly over time. The mode and mechanism of actins are different.
Tongkat Ali act through the enhancement of testosterone and also c-GMP production. As it enhances the synthesis of the hormone it takes a longer time period to exert its effects. The benefits are felt gradually after a period of time. Optimal effectiveness should be felt within a week of continuous uninterrupted use. When the testosterone level increases, the health and vitality are restored.

Tongkat Ali water soluble extract is not a stimulant, Aphrodisiac effect of Tongkat Ali varied depending on the lifestyle and also the physical and physiological of the individuals.
·Cancer Cells Inhibitor
Researchers in America and Japanreported that some plant chemicals in the group of quanssinoid and alkaloids found in Tongkat Ali have the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in animals in laboratoryexperiments. Examples of the chemical cells are breast cancer cells, colon cancer cells and leukemia.

·Anti-Malarial Effect
Studies on the biological effects of Tongkat Ali began in the 1980s. Studies showed that the roots of Tongkat Ali have a group of plant chemicals called quassinoid alkaloid and peptide that has the property to kill malaria parasites.

·Anti-Fever Effect
In 1995, it was reported that the quassinoid extracted from Tongkat Ali has an anti-fever effect. From this experiment, the quassinoid was 2 times more effective than aspirin.

·Anti-oxidant Properties
Studies conducted by the Forest Research Institute Malaysia(FRIM) as well as the department of bio-medical Science, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM) discovered that Tongkat Ali contains SOD(Superoxide dismutase), a kind of anti oxidant enzyme. The Studies showed that Tongkat Ali inhibited the chain reaction of radicals that can be harmful to the body system.
Tongkat Ali tidak sekadar Afrodisia yang lain

Tongkat Ali tidak sekadar Afrodisia yang lain, memberi kesan dengan serta merta.

Tongkat Ali patut diambil kerap dari masa ke masa. Ia bertindak sebagai pemangkin penghasilan testosterone dan juga c-GMP. Dengan meningkatkan sintesis hormon, is mengambil tempoh yang lebih lama untuk memberi kesan. Manfaat dirasai secara beransur-ansur selepastempoh masa. Keberkesanan optimum perlu dirasaidalam tempoh seminggu penggunaan berterusantanpa gangguan. Selepas paras testosteron meningkat, kesihatandan kecergasan dipulihkan.

Ekstrak larut air Tongkat Ali bukan sekadar perangsang. Kesan afrodisia Tongkat Ali berbezabergantung kepada gaya hidup, fizikal dan fisiologi individu.
  • Perencat Sel Kanser
Penyelidik USA dan Jepun menunjukkan bahawa beberapa bahan kimia tumbuhan dalam kumpulan quanssinoid dan alkaloid yang ditemuidi Tongkat Ali mempunyaikesan menghalang pertumbuhansel kanser haiwan. Contoh sel-selkimia sel-sel kanser payudara, sel-sel kanser kolon dan leukemia.
  • Anti Kesan Malaria
Kajian berkenaan kesan biologi Tongkat Ali bermula pada tahun 1980-an. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa akar Tongkat Alimempunyai kumpulan bahan kimia tumbuhan yangdikenali sebagai quassinoidalkaloid dan peptidayang mempunyai harta untuk membunuh parasit malaria.
  • Pencegahan Kesan Deman
Pada tahun 1995, ia telah melaporkan bahawa quassinoidyang diekstrak daripada Tongkat Ali mempunyai kesan anti-demam. Dari eksperimenini, quassinoid adalah 2 kali lebih berkesan daripada aspirin.
  • Ajen Anti Oksida
Kajian yang dijalankan oleh Institut Penyelidikan Perhutanan Malaysia (FRIM) dan Jabatan Sains Bio-Perubatan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) mendapati bahawaTongkat Ali mengandungi SOD (Superoxide dismutase),sejenis enzim antioksida.Kajian menunjukkan bahawa Tongkat Ali menghalang reaksirantai radikal yangboleh memudaratkan sistem tubuh.

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