Friday 16 March 2012


Quality of Tongkat Ali Extract (Water-soluble extract)

Most, if not all, Tongkat Ali products available in the market today are pulverized (sawdust) root. Until they are scientifically analyzed in the laboratory, there is no way to verify which plant roots or plants parts are being used. Besides, the raw roots are fungus-prone. Unless stringently quality controlled, even grounded root powder in capsules can deteriorate over time and are subject to attack from fungi and microorganisms, which could cause toxic and side effects over long term usage.

Tongkat Ali is now made available using the latest scientific techniques and the highest quality controlled methods of extraction. The best quality is from a product with 100% pure Tongkat Ali water soluble extract. Scientifically processed and encapsulated.

Tongkat Ali Water soluble extract is superior in efficacy and quality. The dosage is standardized and the formulation is based on pharmacokinetic studies and observations, to ensure its effectiveness, safety and efficacy.

Scientists and researchers have shown that the water soluble extract is very safe and non toxic, even at relatively high dosage.

Eurycoma Logifolia Jack or Tongkat Ali

For decades, the indigenous populations of South East Asia have been using Eurycoma Longifolia for its high medicinal value. How the concoction worked for them is difficult to explain, but many swear by its close to supernatural benefits.

In Malaysia, the plant is better known as Tongkat Ali which literally means Ali’s Walking Stick. Tradionally, it is valued for its aphrodisiac properties and treatment of diverse ailments ranging from cuts and wounds, skin infection, fever, malaria, high blood pressure, diabetes to increased energy and stamina.

Scientific Research

As Early as 1968, scientific research was conducted on eurycoma Longifolia(Tongkat Ali). At that time, the scientists were looking for natural chemicals and have identified the following phytochemical components exractable into the organic solvent, such as methanol, dichloromethane or chloroform:

The water soluble extract contains mainly phenolic components, tannins, high molecular weight polysaccharide, glycoprotein and mucopolysacharides. It is believed that these water soluble components are biologically active in rendering some of the observed properties. Currently , these components are being characterized and intensive studies on the properties of these components are being virorously examined by Malaysian, Japanese and American scientists.

Aphrodisiac Value

Since 1994, different authorities have carried out various scientific experiments on the aphrodisiac properties of Tongkat Ali. The School of Pharmaceutical Science, University Science Malaysia[Ref. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 21(2) 1998 153-155; Archives of Pharmacal Research(Seoul), 20(6). 1997, 656-658; International journal of Pharmacognosy, 35(2), 1997, 144-146; Experimental Animals(Tokyo), 46(4), 1997,287-290]; reported that, in the tests carried out in the laboratory, the extract of Tongkat Ali has an aphrodisiac effect in the experiment on animals. It increased the number of times and length of the sexual performance of the animal under study.

More reprts about the biological properties of the water soluble extract were reported in; Prosiding Seminar Sebatian Kimia Semulajadi Ke 13 FRIM 1997; 22ndMalaysian Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society Conference 1997; Prosiding Konvensyen Kebangsaan Tumbuhan Ubatan FRIM 1995; Proceding 19thMalaysia Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Society Conference 1994 and some other publications.

Experiments carried out by a team of scientists in the University of Malayashowed the water soluble extracts from Tongkat Ali have the following effect;
  • In vitro tests on human testicular tissue homogenates showed Tongkat Ali water soluble extract increased the formation of testosterone (male sex hormones) by 4.4 fold.
  • Studies conducted on animals showed significant changes in the male; female ratio of the offspring, i.e 3:1 ratio in the treated group compared to 1:1 ratio in the untreated group.
  • Experiments conducted also showed that the water soluble extract has the ability to increase the sperm concentration , percentage of progressive sperm and the mobility rate. The results obtained suggest that Tongkat Ali water soluble extract could increase the quality and quantity of the sperm, and therefore , increase the fertility rate.
  • Tongkat Ali water soluble extract has the potential of increasing fertility and also helps increase the litter size.

Facts Men Need To Know about Their Male Hormone: Testosterone


Testosterone is the most important representative of the male sex hormones collectively known as androgens produced by the gonads. Its secretion stimulates the differentiation of the male reproductive tract in the embryo, the decent of the testes into the scrotum,the further development of the reproductive tract and penis during puberty and maturation of the sperm. It is also responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics such as moustache, beard, enlargement of the larynx(deep voice) and increase productionof the sebaceous glands, all of which are associated with masculine features. Testosterone also play a role in the development and maintenance of male libido(sexual desire) and sexual behavior.

Testosterone have other non sexual roles: it serves the important function for protein biosynthesis isn accelerating muscle built up, increases the formation of red bloods, speeds up regeneration and recovery time after illness or injury. It stimulates the entire metabolic activity especially in the energy metabolic pathways and burning of body fat.

Testosteron Levels Decline with Age

If you ask any elderly men about their endurance and sexual desire- the Answer would be non affirmative. What is the cause? Aging? The answer is a definite “yes”. But how is aging responsible for this syndrome? The answer lies in the testosterone level, which declines with age. Research shows that during puberty, its level is peaking. Its level is at their lifetime peak at the age of 25, and steadily decrease with age. Some clinical studies indicate that generally on average, testosterone level drop as much as 2% on yearly basis after the age of thirty. The rate of decline is very much a factor of lifestyle. Individuals who exercise regularly have a much slower rate of decline. This is due to exercise to a certain extend stimulates the hormone secretion. A more prominent decline was observed in individuals who are heavy smokers and alcoholic.

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